A perspective changing fact about dogs and fear.

I love psychology, which is a huge part of the reason that I love my job. I get to work with dog psychology on a daily basis, as well as human psychology through teaching owners how to heal their dog’s anxiety. It’s the best job in the world (in my personal, very biased, opinion.)

One of the things that I learned not long ago about fear and anxiety totally changed the way I look at the issue.

When we intentionally expose ourselves to a reasonable amount of fear, we make progress in overcoming that fear. Seems logical, right? Here’s what’s interesting-

We’re not becoming less afraid.  Instead, we are becoming more brave.

This, to me, completely changes the outlook of the situation.  With your anxious dog, the goal is not to reduce fear so much as it is to teach bravery, courage, and peace.  Your dog will begin to properly understand the world around them- and believe in their own ability to confront the things that once scared them with relaxation and a happy-go-lucky attitude.  It is a process of building up your dog into a stronger, braver, happier and more relaxed being. 

I’ve seen this process many times with the dogs I work with.  They become less skittish, less fearful, less on edge.  They become more curious, brave, content and relaxed.  And they gain more confidence in you as their guide and support, trusting that you will help them in any situations that they are still unsure about.

If you want help in giving your anxious dog confidence and relaxation, click on the contact page and reach out! I’d love to jump on a free consultation call with you to help you figure out a plan. Talk to you soon!


What are the programs for anxious dogs?